I received a grade for my second project the Cycle Of Life and was really hoping for a Merit but received a Pass. I let myself down on something that was quite simple and very annoying.
As part of our course we have to validate our html using the w3c html validator.
My project not only had an index page but also had win, lose and thanks pages.
When I created the three additional pages I made one and copied the code over. There were small errors that the html validator picked up, which I should have caught. The only thing is I forgot to run those pages through the validator. I ran the index page through it a few times but never considered those other three.
The errors didn’t stop the pages from working. They were things like a trailing / at the end of a URL and I had a <div> tag open with no closing </div> tag. There were a couple more I can’t recall now. They were small errors but errors nonetheless.
Why didn’t I remember to run the other three pages through the html validator?
I think the main reason for this is having used WordPress for years you do something once and the other pages are automatically updated. So, in my head because I had run the index file through the other pages were covered. A silly mistake to make now I think about it.
I have made a similar error when creating websites. I find that when I go to create my navigation if I change something on the index.html page I forget that I then have to go through and change any other pages.
I forget to do that sometimes because with WordPress if I change something on the main page navigation the other pages are automatically updated. So, I don’t remember to update the other webpages until I notice that what I have changed on the index page isn’t on one of the other pages.
That reminds me to go through and update them all.
I am happy I passed. It is better than the alternative!
But I worked hard on that project and had great feedback on my code and the layout, plus my README file was also praised. It is just a shame I missed out on a merit grade because of these silly errors. Every project MUST be submitted without errors. The rules are clear.
Updated Project
I have now gone through and corrected those errors. I was also told I needed more testing information and I updated that section in my README.
My final grade will be dependent on the collective grade of all five of my projects and I have been told the assessor will visit once all five of my projects are complete. Hopefully I may get a few extra marks when they see that I have gone through and updated my project based on the feedback I received.