AI Fundamentals

Over the last 7-10 days I have completed the AI Fundamentals and ChatGPT Fundamentals courses at DataCamp.

It has given me a firm grasp of AI concepts. Here is what was covered:

AI Fundamentals
– Understanding artificial intelligence
– Introduction to ChatGPT
– Understanding Machine Learning
– Large Language Models (LLMs) Concepts
– Generative AI Concepts

ChatGPT Fundamentals
– Introduction to ChatGPT
– What is Prompt Engineering. A detailed guide for 2024
– Understanding prompt engineering
– Using ChatGPT’s advanced data analysis
– How to make custom ChatGPT models

I mentioned some of the topics in my post outlining my AI Learning Plan

Back to Python

Now I have covered that my focus is moving towards improving my Python skills. I joined DataCamp for the AI courses but they have quite an extensive Python training suite that I intend to use.

Although the focus is very much on data science there are enough courses covering the basics and more advanced topics for me to improve my python skills.

Hopefully, at some point soon, I will then look at building apps or chatbots. I feel as if I am starting from scratch with AI and chatbots, so I may start with apps as I am already trained in this area.



