What did you do this weekend? A popular question on a Monday morning.
My answer?
I watched a 19 hour Django video created by Dr. Charles Severance (a.k.a. Dr. Chuck) and provided on the freeCodeCamp channel.
I have already covered both Flask and Django as part of my course and I am putting together the details of my fourth project. This was just extra learning, because I always need it!
It has a lot of detail in it and doesn’t just go into how to code using Django but focuses on how the web works, other tools like JavaScript and things like how http responds when a request is made by a user.
Here’s an example of some of the topics covered. You can visit the channel for the full course content:
00:07:04 Web Applications and the Request/Response Cycle
00:13:07 Exploring the HyperText Transfer Protocol
02:08:14 CSS – Cascading Style Sheets – (Part 1)
03:41:53 How Databases Work
04:00:49 Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL)
05:54:02 Using Templates in Django
06:04:07 The Django Template Language (DTL)
06:50:29 Forms, GET, POST, and HTTP
06:58:48 Building HTML Forms
08:05:51 Storing Primary and Foreign Keys in a Database
09:49:30 Data Validation with Django Forms
10:52:56 Owned Rows in Django – owner.py
12:29:42 Building a Django Batch Script to Load Data from CSV
13:10:31 JavaScript – The Language
13:34:28 JavaScript Functions and Arrays
14:57:07 jQuery and the Document Object Model
15:09:44 Using jQuery
16:24:40 Walking through the DJ4E JSON Sample Code
16:30:41 Building an AJAX Chat with Django
17:02:36 Walking through the DJ4E Social Login Code
I watched the video in stages of two hours. After two hours I did something else like made something to eat, when for a walk, did nothing (had a nap!) and other small things for up to 30 minutes before returning. My longest gap is when I stopped to eat and then I had a couple of hours off after lunch and in the evening.
I started watching Friday afternoon and went through until Sunday. I skipped some stuff at the beginning and anything else I felt I had covered and was okay with and only focused on anything I wanted to go over again or that was new to me.