Category: Updates
I recently found a free group on Skool for Software Developers. I only joined yesterday but it seems like a bunch of great people all looking to support each other. One of the questions in my profile asked for my Myer Briggs personality type, so I decided to complete the 16 Personalities test to find…
Full-Stack Software Developer
I received notification of my result for project five of my full-stack Software Developer training, which is now complete. I am now a trained Full-Stack Software Developer. My overall grade is a merit and my specialization is eCommerce. My five projects are listed on my GitHub page : Project One – Sologamy – Merit (html/css)…
Project 5 README
I have spent the last few days working on my README for my final eCommerce project using Django. Once you get to this stage you are pretty much done with the coding and refactoring of code for the site. As I start 2024 I will have managed to create my eCommerce store but there are…
Django Nightmare
So I am mid-way into my project using Django and it is really challenging. I am pretty sure I have said that about JavaScript (still not a fan) and Python (I am learning to love it) but seriously, Django is its own nightmare. This link between model, view, template and url – getting it right…
Amazing Django Course
What did you do this weekend? A popular question on a Monday morning. My answer? I watched a 19 hour Django video created by Dr. Charles Severance (a.k.a. Dr. Chuck) and provided on the freeCodeCamp channel. I have already covered both Flask and Django as part of my course and I am putting together the…
A working job title
I have been thinking about what I want my job title to be once I have completed my full-stack software developer training. I have used WordPress since 2009 and taught myself php and hooks/functions back in 2020. In July 2014 I gained a Diploma in Digital Marketing By 2024 I will have a full-stack software…
ToDianeDev Website
I have built a website using the html and css skills I have learnt so far on my Full Stack Developer course with Code Institute. Issues I have worked on this website from Friday 7th July until Sunday 9th July 2023 I have kept it plain in color and appearance. I will probably stick…
Joining Developer Related Websites
I have been a busy bee today. Managed to find a few websites worth joining like An online community for developers I am slowly but surely updating my profile with my toDianeDev handle but decided not to change GitHub as it looked like it would cause too many issues! Google For Developers Found…
End April 2023 I registered for training with Code Institute. The course is a Diploma in Software Development and my aim is to become a full stack web developer using WordPress. I have been using WordPress for years so I intend to improve/enhance my back-end development skills.