DataCamp recently offered five free days access to their training. It helped me realise that data science is definitely not for me!
The real positive that I managed to get from it was taking their SQL training. I love the way they present their training and help you learn via questions. If you get a question wrong they provide you with prompts towards the right answer.
They use AI so you can ask for help, which also helps you with figuring out the correct way to code and/or answer a question. A couple of times the AI prompt gave me the actual code/answer. It also told me a number of times that it was sorry it couldn’t give me more help but to do so would provide me with the answer!
If you are really stuck you can use points gathered during your learning to get a hint and then more points to get the actual answer.
It is a lovely way to learn.
I completed the beginner and intermediate SQL database training and just wish I could stay and learn more.