Django Nightmare

So I am mid-way into my project using Django and it is really challenging. I am pretty sure I have said that about JavaScript (still not a fan) and Python (I am learning to love it) but seriously, Django is its own nightmare.

This link between model, view, template and url – getting it right so they all come together. The biggest shock for me is how the simple things, like wanting to add a link to delete comments, has caused me hours of frustration.

I am spending 10-12 hours doing thing every day. This week it took a whole day to figure out how to add infinite scroll to a page (which has stopped working now). Another day or two to figure out adding the ability to add comments. My system for being able to follow users has been abandoned for now and I have a ton of error lines popping up as I code.

Yesterday was a fun day as I spent it using Bootstrap and focused on the design and user experience. Another 10 hours doing that but my love of front-end made it easy to endure!

Today I am back to trying to get my comment system to work. Codeanywhere has been a nightmare and is running slow so I switched to visual studio code. I am not familiar with VSC but won’t do anything too difficult while I use it.

I went on to YouTube to search for another help video when something came up in the results. An interview with Lawrence Lockhart @LawrenceDCodes

Great information on imposter syndrome and how he views it.

I love it when he said….

“When you want it as much as you want to breathe when you are underwater that is the point when things start clicking and you will go the extra mile”

There was also some great insights shared into how to learn code – not so much by following video tutorials but through reading documentation and building something yourself after watching a tutorial.

Now, instead of finding a video I might see if I can look through the Django documentation and solve my issue with this comment box.

Wish me luck.


