get rid of bias

June 2023 Hackathon: Second Place

The team I worked with on my first hackathon project in June came in at second place. I have only just discovered you are awarded a badge after competing

June 2023 Hackathon: 2nd Place

Awarded: 20 Jun 2023

Awarded To: Diane


The name of our team was Our PRIDE (Partnership Renders Incredible Developer Energy)

Celebrating PRIDE month we created an inclusivity checker that lets you add text and be presented with inclusive words to use.

The project website is here

The GitHub repository is here:

For some reason I don’t show up as a contributor GitHub repo page – I don’t know why and I was a tad annoyed it wasn’t sorted out but there you have it. The video shows I did something!

As I only joined the course end April and started learning in the first week of May I didn’t know enough to contribute to coding but I created the images and the README file, plus I gave loads of suggestions. I also came up with the name of the team.

The July hackathon started yesterday and I am once again in the same position, too new to contribute to the code (most people are on Project 4 and beyond) because I haven’t covered React or any of the other tools yet.


