I have been focused on project 3, which uses Python and looking at potentials.
My first idea was a currency converter using an API but the company only provide one month free and I didn’t want it running out before the project assessment date!
In our work along example we used google sheets, an api and Python. I was thinking about doing something similar with Google sheets API but couldn’t think of a topic!
Then I thought about survey data. Creating a program that looks at the data and creates charts for the user. After looking into it I was a little overwhelmed. Couldn’t work out what the project would do or what it would look like. Found some great articles on using data with Python.
For me on my full stack journey, I really want to create useful tools. So with that in mind I came up with a tool to help a fictitious company who uses contractors. The aim is to get the contractor to complete their details and the system will let them know how much they will be paid a week later.
I created a written plan (very old skool I know!) so I know what I want the project to do. Now I just need to work out what type of code I need to write to make it happen.
Code I know I need includes:
- try/except
- basic arithmetic
- random numbers/letters – for the employee number and NI number
I have downloaded Python and PyCharm but for now I will continue to use my student learning environment, which is Codeanywhere and GitHub/Heroku.