I came across this video that focuses on python projects worth building. Including it here as a reminder in case I want to consider focusing on any of them. I could do with improving my python skills.
As I build them I will link to them. I am going to use Vercel and/or Render as my place to host my projects for free.
Here is a list of the recommendations:
- Number guessing game
- File Manager – create a todo list manager. Add a new task, view tasks and mark tasks complete
- Password generator
- Rock, Paper, Scissors – I called mine the cycle of life but it is based on the same game. Github repo is here.
- Tic Tac Toe – double lists and double ended arrays
- Hangman
- Calender Reminder – view reminder, check today’s reminder, future reminders – use dates and strings. Important to know how to handle dates
- Dice Rolling Simulator – great for using in games
- Build a quiz game – uses different classes and objects
- Countdown Timer
- Calculator project – (love maths)
- Snake game – pygames. Machine learning
- Space Invaders
- Flappy bird game
- Puzzle game
- Frogger game
- Sudoku game (hard game) – random generation
- BlackJack