Tag: code institute
Full-Stack Certificate
My full-stack software developer certificate arrived today and is accredited by Acredible, which is a platform where you can issue and verify online certificates. It has been issued by Code Institute and it is another step towards my back-end development/AI career. Exciting times.
Full-Stack Software Developer
I received notification of my result for project five of my full-stack Software Developer training, which is now complete. I am now a trained Full-Stack Software Developer. My overall grade is a merit and my specialization is eCommerce. My five projects are listed on my GitHub page : Project One – Sologamy – Merit (html/css)…
Project 5 README
I have spent the last few days working on my README for my final eCommerce project using Django. Once you get to this stage you are pretty much done with the coding and refactoring of code for the site. As I start 2024 I will have managed to create my eCommerce store but there are…
Learning Flask and Django
I have covered both Flask and Django as part of my training. Flask Using Flask and Python the walkthrough project was a simple website about Thorin & Company. I had no idea who that was and had to look it up! We used a Bootstrap theme for the html/css elements. The focus on this project…
Project 3 Complete
I have now completed and submitted my third full stack software developer training project. This project focuses on using Python. It is a portal for constructors to add their dates, number of days and hours into so they can get an idea of how much they will be paid. After creating the main project my…
Using Bootstrap
After python my full stack developer training has now moved onto Bootstrap, which turns out to be a lovely addition to CSS. I celebrated the fact that there was no new code to learn and that Bootstrap is a framework that makes developing responsive websites easier. Although Bootstrap 5 is available the training focused on…
The Cycle of Life Project 2 Submitted
I have completed and submitted my second project that is part of the Code Institute Full Stack Development course. The project is called The Cycle of Life. I based it on the rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock game but came up with my own version. In this game I use Human, Plant, Soil, Animal and…
July Hackathon Complete
The July Hackathon is now complete and we created an app about wild swimming and the benefits for our mental health of being in nature and swimming in a body of water. The project topic was my idea and I plan to investigate this topic some more, maybe using it for one of my projects.…
June 2023 Hackathon: Second Place
The team I worked with on my first hackathon project in June came in at second place. I have only just discovered you are awarded a badge after competing June 2023 Hackathon: 2nd Place Awarded: 20 Jun 2023 Awarded To: Diane VERIFY https://eu.badgr.com/assets/widgets.bundle.js The name of our team was Our PRIDE (Partnership Renders Incredible Developer…