Tag: Django

  • Stream English EduCommerce

    Stream English EduCommerce

    In October 2024 I started on the Stream English EduCommerce platform. It is a combination of a learning management system (LMS), an ecommerce shop and a blog/news section. The LMS hosts YouTube videos and also has the ability to upload videos. The shop uses Stripe and mainly sells digital downloads, so a secure download area…

  • Flask, FastAPI or Django

    Flask, FastAPI or Django

    I watched an interesting video from Tech with Tim comparing Django, Flask and FastAPI. He went through each one listing their pros, especially as it relates to finding a job. My interest is AI Agent and Chatbot related. When I build my first AI Agent, I want to use either Flask or Django with FastAPI.…

  • Wagtail CMS Multi-Site Setup Guide

    Wagtail CMS Multi-Site Setup Guide

    I have set up Wagtail CMS Multi-site and I wanted to document what I have done so far, just in case I decide to do this again. I set up a new installation and added it to GitHub. I used ChatGPT to help me write code when I knew it would save me time and…

  • Making Wagtail Progress

    Making Wagtail Progress

    Having worked with WordPress for so long I have muscle memory around setting up a new site. It took minutes. For the past week I have dedicated my time to developing muscle memory with Django and Wagtail. ðŸ˜Š Using CMD to set up and activate virtual environments, creating a project folder, installing Wagtail (or Django), installing…

  • Djangonaut Space

    Djangonaut Space

    Djangonaut Space 2024 session 2 opened up this week and is a great place to get mentorship and learn how to contribute to Django. Here is some information from This is an 8-week group mentoring program where individuals will work self-paced in a semi-structured learning environment. This program places an emphasis on group-learning, sustainability and…

  • My Tech Stack

    My Tech Stack

    A tech stack is a combination of the programming languages, libraries, languages, and tools that a developer uses to build websites and apps. In order to ensure I stay focused on my tech stack I have decided to list them here. There is a combination of what I know (which needs improving upon) and what…

  • Our Spot Update

    Our Spot Update

    To take a break from all the learning and to enjoy something practical, I have decided to update my project called Our Spot. It is a social network that provides people with an opportunity to share their favourite spots around the world. It was created as a minimum viable project (MVP) that included CRUD capabilities…

  • Learning Wagtail CMS

    Learning Wagtail CMS

    I am doing my best not to let this new enthusiasm for AI overtake my core focus of improving my back-end developer skills. There is a list of things I still need to learn/improve upon since completing my course. I really want to focus on learning by building so that I am creating something rather…

  • Django Polls App – AttributeError

    Django Polls App – AttributeError

    I am working on the Django app poll as a way to go back to basics and learn Django using the documentation. I got stuck pretty early on in Part 2, which highlighted to me how easy it is to add the wrong code into the wrong place and not even see it! I had…

  • Project 5 README

    Project 5 README

    I have spent the last few days working on my README for my final eCommerce project using Django. Once you get to this stage you are pretty much done with the coding and refactoring of code for the site. As I start 2024 I will have managed to create my eCommerce store but there are…

  • Learning Flask and Django

    Learning Flask and Django

    I have covered both Flask and Django as part of my training. Flask Using Flask and Python the walkthrough project was a simple website about Thorin & Company. I had no idea who that was and had to look it up! We used a Bootstrap theme for the html/css elements. The focus on this project…

  • Amazing Django Course

    Amazing Django Course

    What did you do this weekend? A popular question on a Monday morning. My answer? I watched a 19 hour Django video created by Dr. Charles Severance (a.k.a. Dr. Chuck) and provided on the freeCodeCamp channel. I have already covered both Flask and Django as part of my course and I am putting together the…