Tag: JavaScript
A Passing Disappointment
I received a grade for my second project the Cycle Of Life and was really hoping for a Merit but received a Pass. I let myself down on something that was quite simple and very annoying. As part of our course we have to validate our html using the w3c html validator. My project not…
The Cycle of Life Project 2 Submitted
I have completed and submitted my second project that is part of the Code Institute Full Stack Development course. The project is called The Cycle of Life. I based it on the rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock game but came up with my own version. In this game I use Human, Plant, Soil, Animal and…
Rubber Duck Method
Just about every day I come across a new phrase or I have a “ahaa!” moment in my learning. Today both happened. Rubber Duck Method This was mentioned in our Slack group and I had no idea what it was so I looked it up. I grabbed this from Wikipedia In software engineering, rubber duck debugging (or rubberducking) is…