the cycle of life game

The Cycle of Life Project 2 Submitted

I have completed and submitted my second project that is part of the Code Institute Full Stack Development course.

The project is called The Cycle of Life. I based it on the rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock game but came up with my own version.

In this game I use Human, Plant, Soil, Animal and Weather.

It is a game played against the computer. I have additional web pages that a person is taken to depending on whether they win and lose a game. I included a thank you page if they decided not to play again. I also included a 404 error page.

It was due for submission on the 10th August 2023 so I am a few weeks early.

The game can be found here:

GitHub page is here:

The GitHub page includes my full README file. This project used:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

Now that this project is complete I move on to learning about Python.

Using JavaScript has been a real challenge and some of my learning came from Free Code Camp as well as a course I bought on Udemy. I completed enough of the Free Code Camp and Udemy courses to complete the project and I aim to go back and finish them because they were both very useful additions. I will use them when I move on to Python.


