back-end developer ai developer tech stack

Updated Tech Stack

It has been a few months since I last added a blog post and a lot has changed.

Back in April 2024 I was considering my Tech Stack. The technologies I want to focus on using and learning. I now know they are:

Backend : Django / Python / Flask / DjangoREST Framework / FastAPI

Fronted: Astro.js / TailwindCSS

AI: Agentic Agents / AI Agents

Now that I no longer have access to support (via my Full-Stack course) I have been leaning on It can become a frustrating mess really quickly but it has also helped me complete my first project.

During November and December I also spent some time learning and using Next.js but I decided I did not want to continue with that framework. It became a little frustrating for me.

As Flask and Django are great for building AI Agents and AI mainly uses Python I will continue to learn any other tools that may be useful.



