After python my full stack developer training has now moved onto Bootstrap, which turns out to be a lovely addition to CSS. I celebrated the fact that there was no new code to learn and that Bootstrap is a framework that makes developing responsive websites easier.
Although Bootstrap 5 is available the training focused on Bootstrap 4 and to complete the follow along project (a resume page) I had to use that version to ensure everything worked.
Now, I am free to explore Bootstrap 5 although I may just focus my attention on React and using that as there are so many new things to learn.
During the Bootstrap training I completed a simple landing page. This page advertised a Whiskey subscription service but I changed mine to promote a Juicing subscription service.
Landing Page
Bootstrap landing page – GitHub Repository
We were shown how to add more css to the navigation bar and a main image on the front but I actually like the plainer look of websites and left mine without that additional styling.

The second walk through project was a resume website which I love. I enjoyed creating it and I love the look of it.
I changed the look of the site to include information about me and most students left it as the original walk through project, which is shown below. The original project had an area to download a CV in the main navigation bar and in the footer. I replaced that with my blog and may at some point add my CV in the footer area.

W3Schools is a great place to enjoy free coding training and learn about Bootstrap and most things related to full stack web development.
My learning dictated by my Code Institute training is:
- HTML (Complete)
- CSS (Complete)
- JavaScript (Complete)
- Python (Complete)
- Agile Development (Complete)
- Bootstrap (Complete)
- JQuery – currently studying end August 2023
- Intro to APIs
- Flask Framework
- Database Management