Wagtail CMS Tutorial

I completed the wagtail tutorial that shows you how to build a blog using Wagtail CMS. It is called “Your First Wagtail Site” and it provided enough information to give me hands-on experience with using Wagtails features.

You can find the tutorial over at docs.wagtail.org

This site includes a

  • home page
  • blog page with individual blog posts
  • contact page
  • resume page

Each page contains some basic information and a very basic amount of cms has been applied.

Home Page

The navigation at the top followed by a border, page title, main image, sub title, link and text box. Finally, another border and the footer.

Blog Page

The blog page contains a list of recent blog posts with small header images.

The actual blog post looks like this and includes a photo of the author and their name along with tags.

The contact page is a basic one using css to improve the look of the box fields.

The resume page – I used the basic information supplied in the tutorial to fill this page out.

The search page – not much on there but it is there!

The tutorial then went on to show how to deploy the site to fly.io.

Despite following the instructions and being told the site deployed successfully, it never showed up in the browser. I went into the fly.io forum to ask for help but didn’t receive a reply on my post so I ended up just deleting the app from there.

I may deploy it to another site. Right now it is part of my GitHub repo.


