
I started my software developer journey in 2023 and graduated with Merit March 2024. My full title is Full-Stack Software Developer (eCommerce). eCommerce is my specialization. I am now looking forward to building my own resources and working as a freelancer. I want to combine my knowledge of using WordPress (self-taught) along with my new skills as a Full Stack Developer.

I enjoyed the back-end development part of my course so looking to focus on back-end development and continue to improve my Python, Django, Flask and database/API skills as well as learn new things like Wagtail, Docker and AWS.

Along with eCommerce I have found a new love called Artificial Intelligence (AI) and prompt engineering. Currently going through the DataCamp course on the topic and looking forward to learning how to build AI Virtual Assistants/Chatbots along with improving my prompt engineering skills.

You can find my projects on GitHub


and connect with me here – https://www.linked.in.com/in/todianedev

INFJ-T Personality Trait

“INFJ personalities might come across as somewhat reserved, but they are fueled by a profound internal passion. Stimulated by deep, reflective thought and an enormous amount of empathy, they dedicate themselves to the pursuit of purpose.”


I currently sell paperback notebooks on Amazon. I also add self-published books and public domain books. I still love writing and putting pen to paper. These two domains will forward you to my Amazon pages:

For Amazon UK


Amazon USA


Publishing Website

I want to use my new web developer skills to improve the flow of people to my main website where I promote my paperback notebooks.


The Past

Talk to authors in Dominica


In August 2010 I gave a talk to authors/writers on how to use the internet to promote their books online. Focusing on blogging, video and social media marketing.

This is a short extract of what was a 90 minute workshop that was part of a festival held for writers.

The talk took place at the University of West Indies Dominica

A Social Network


Back in 2009 I ran a social network. It was for the diaspora of an island called Dominica, which is where my parents were from and I wanted to meet other people. The network had over 8,000 members when I sold it.

Create a website or blog at WordPress.com